Welcome to Moorebank High School. I am truly proud of serving as Principal and leading learner at our selective and comprehensive school.
I firmly believe that education is about the development of the whole child. Young people are inheriting a future of unprecedented change, uncertainty, challenges and opportunities.
In this context, it is vital for our school to support student development of resilience, creativity, adaptability and capacity to participate as responsive, empowered and effective citizens.
Both Australian and international research has established the inextricable link between student wellbeing, enhanced learning outcomes and improved achievements at school. Happy, confident and engaged students simply make better learners.
At Moorebank High School we assume responsibility, in partnership with our parent body and broader community, for our students' intellectual, ethical and emotional development through diverse yet interrelated learning programs and initiatives.
This responsibility forms the educational platform that essentially constitutes a moral imperative that drives terrific commitment and care from our staff members who build programs and develop and source initiatives that support students to strive for personal excellence.
Through the curriculum, we endeavour to afford students the skills to integrate knowledge, skills and understandings as they move from the acquisition of facts to the development of deep understanding where they can pose problems, gather, analyse and synthesise information, think creatively about possibilities and solutions, make decisions, communicate logically and with clarity and justify conclusions.
We also facilitate student development of positive relationships, altruism and personal and civic responsibility through classroom based and co-curricular programs and initiatives.
Welfare and curriculum are conceived as symbiotic and fundamentally of equal importance to the success of individuals and our school.
Moorebank High School has established an impressive record of academic, sporting and cultural achievement. Our students are extremely successful and they are proud of their school.
They have embraced the experiences and opportunities provided in the school and have grown and developed as outstanding and capable young people who bear testament to our motto - Learn to Live.