The goal of Moorebank High School's Student Representative Council (SRC) is to represent the student body of Moorebank High School and be its voice. The SRC explores ways in which student life at Moorebank could be enhanced and works together to come up with strategies to meet students' needs. The SRC takes suggestions from students and are currently working towards improving the quality of the school library, which is an important learning environment, by raising money to install air-conditioning. Other tasks that the SRC has achieved in the past include painting a mural inside the boys' toilets. The SRC also represents the school on a regional level, working together with SRC students from other schools in the region, to share ideas and to come up with strategies for the region.
The SRC has organised many fundraisers to fund goals it has identified. These fundraisers include hosting barbeques, mufti days, our annual International Food Day, a chocolate drive and Easter raffles. This year, the SRC is also helping Moorebank High celebrate Australia's cultural diversity by co-ordinating and running the school's first Harmony Day celebrations.