Moorebank High School

Positive Relationships Positive Outcomes

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Year 10

Year 10 English focuses on refining the reading and writing skills of students, as well as skills of speaking, listening and representation. It also works to prepare students for studies in senior English. This includes building skills of textual analysis, both visual and written, and extending creative and critical writing skills.

Students study a variety of texts within the concept study of 'Conflict'. Within these studies, students explore how the concept is represented in a range of different texts, such as short stories, poetry, photographs, novel, film and drama. These conceptual studies are designed to prepare students for the 'Area of Study' that they will encounter in Years 11 and 12. Students also study a novel closely, where they will study a selected class novel in depth, exploring characterisation, themes and plot. There is also a unit devoted to visual literacy, which equips students with critical skills in the analysis of visual texts.


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