Prefects 2024

Our School Prefects
Coordinator: Ms Joanne Tan
"To work as Leaders, to oversee other leadership groups and to support and develop student leadership across the school."
The Prefects all perform duties on a regular basis: Supervision of canteen lines and assisting the teacher on duty. At present, four Prefects work inside the canteen assisting the canteen ladies. Prefects also work there on a voluntary basis. The Australian flag is raised and lowered each day and the perimeter gates of the school are locked in the morning. Library duty is performed each day where the Prefects assist the library staff with supervision in the foyer. Prefects will be required on information evenings and orientation days. They will assist where necessary and chair events when the need arises.They will continue to improve the leadership image of the school and to provide the leaders of the school with opportunities to show their skills. Each Prefect will chair the school assembly on a rotational basis.
Prefects have generally been a part of another group during their younger years (especially, members of the SRC, Interact, Peer Mediators, Peer readers, Library monitors, Canteen helpers etc.)
Through their appearance, the Prefects are easily recognized. Whether in school or in the community the Prefects are to uphold the ideals that they have chosen to follow.
In Term 2, Year 11 students self-nominate to be elected onto the Prefect body. They need three student supporters and three teacher supporters, two of which must be Head Teachers. The list of nominees is taken to the executive to determine whether all nominees are to go on the ballot paper. If a student is deemed not worthy of nominating they will be told the reasons why. The current School Captains will randomly pick the order that the names appear on the ballot paper. All year 11 students and teachers are required to vote. Any Year 10 student is given the opportunity to vote. The student and teacher votes are given equal weighting. The number of boys/girls that make up the Prefect body will be roughly in the same ratio as those that nominate.
As part of the development of public speaking students may be called upon to talk about a subject of interest, usually themselves, for a period of about 3-4 minutes. They are encouraged to be prepared and make any necessary notes. A member of the English faculty is usually present to provide a critique.
Prefects are guided by the prefect co-ordinator throughout their tenure. They are encouraged to do the right thing at all times and enforce the school rules if necessary. Prefects are advised to seek help if they encounter any problems.
The Prefect induction ceremony is usually held in the first week of term 4. The outgoing Prefects are invited back to school to present a badge and tie to the incoming prefects. An induction certificate is presented by the special guest who is one of the Principals of the feeder primary schools (who are invited on a rotational basis.) Family and friends are invited as well as Year 11 and Year 10. The ceremony is followed by a morning tea where photos are taken and the Prefect undertaking is signed.
The Prefects attend the National Young Leaders day in November and the Impact Leadership course in February. They may attend the Australian Leadership conference in January.