Year 9
Units will be presented to classes in the order shown. The first 7 topics are mandatory and need to be covered by the end of the year. The last topic is optional and can be done at the end of the year.
Electric Currents
Environmental science
Natural Disasters
Genetics and evolution
Using resources
Science Skills
~Forensic Science
At least the first two and possible three topics should be completed prior to the half yearly. The number of units to be included in the half-yearly and yearly examinations will be decided at Faculty meetings well in advance of the examinations.
All assessment tasks will be common. The team of two coordinators will be responsible for working to develop the assessments and organise printing of each task.
Year 10
Units will be presented to classes in the order shown. The first 5 topics are mandatory and need to be covered by the end of the year. The last 3 topics are optional and can be done at the end of the year.
Are you in control? (Co-ordination – bike racing – 10Sc6)
Chemistry (Component restoration – 10Sc6)
Car Technology (Bike motion –racing – 10Sc6)
Electromagnetic Communication (Bike components – 10Sc6)
Origin of universe
~ Little beasties
~ Consumer Science
~ Cancer
At least the first two and possible three topics should be completed prior to the half yearly. The number of units to be included in the half-yearly and yearly examinations will be decided at Faculty meetings well in advance of the examinations.
All assessment tasks will be common. A team of two coordinators will be responsible for working to develop the assessments and organise printing of each task.