Moorebank High School

Positive Relationships Positive Outcomes

Telephone02 9601 3999

Loan Devices

BYOD Day Loan Device Process




For students who need to access a laptop for the duration of the school day we have a day loan process set up.


  1. Fill in the form above


  1. Go to the Network Room before 8.30am.


  1. Pick up laptop


  1. At 3.00pm you will be released from class early to return laptop to the Network Room


BYOD Week Loan Device Process




For students who need to access a laptop for the duration of a week we have a week loan process set up.


  1. Fill in the form above


  1. Get a note from your parent/carer explaining the reason you need a long loan.Get a note from your parent/carer explaining the reason you need a long loan.


  1. Go to the Network Room between 8.30 and 8.40 am on the day of pick up. You will be given a charger for the laptop.


  1. You must return the loan device and charger on your return date.