BYOD Day Loan Device Process
For students who need to access a laptop for the duration of the school day we have a day loan process set up.
- Fill in the form above
- Go to the Network Room before 8.30am.
- Pick up laptop
- At 3.00pm you will be released from class early to return laptop to the Network Room
BYOD Week Loan Device Process
For students who need to access a laptop for the duration of a week we have a week loan process set up.
- Fill in the form above
- Get a note from your parent/carer explaining the reason you need a long loan.Get a note from your parent/carer explaining the reason you need a long loan.
- Go to the Network Room between 8.30 and 8.40 am on the day of pick up. You will be given a charger for the laptop.
- You must return the loan device and charger on your return date.